Application Verifier not stopping
(too old to reply)
2007-04-04 15:30:05 UTC
I'm testing a Microsoft application, and I'm getting a lot of VERIFIER STOP
messages, with the debugger isn't stopping on all of them.

How do I force it to stop for each one so they can be debugged?

I'm using windbg 6.7.0003.0 and App verifier 3.4.0101
Chuck Walbourn [MSFT]
2007-04-04 20:14:50 UTC
Not all AppVerifier stops are actually 'breaks' especially the continuable
ones.You can enable a stop on each test of interest through the UI by
right-clicking on the test and using the "Verifer Stop Options" settings.
Chuck Walbourn
SDE, XNA Developer Connection

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