Remote Call Profiler for Windows Embedded CE 6.0
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Christian Dubois
2009-10-26 12:01:01 UTC
I'm working with Visual Studio 2008 on a native C++ project. I recently
upgrade from Windows CE 5.0 to Windows Embedded CE 6.0. Now, I want to
profile the application to see if the change of OS affects the performance.

The problem is that it's impossible to connect to the remote device with the
Remote Call Profiler tool. I installed Platform Manager 6.0 and use the tool
shipped with it. The CE 6.0 devices aren't listed when the tool ask to
choose the target device. I installed my CE 6.0 SDK after the platform
builder and it changed nothing.

I read a lot on different forums and I'm doing exactly the same as everybody
tells: "launch Remote Call Profiler then select your target device and
connect". As I said, the CE 6.0 devices aren't listed. They are listed for
other tools such as Remote File Viewer or Remote Registry Editor, but,
unfortunately, not Remote Call Profiler. Note that CE 5.0 devices are listed.

Does anybody know how to use the Call Profiler with Embedded CE 6.0 and
Visual Studio 2008?
Jialiang Ge [MSFT]
2009-10-27 09:40:01 UTC
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Jialiang Ge [MSFT]
2009-10-27 09:40:01 UTC
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