Application Verifier Logs Parser
(too old to reply)
Matt Schreiner
2009-03-04 16:19:02 UTC
I'm trying to do some OEM Ready testing, and am unable to get the Application
Verifier and the Application Verifier Logs Parser to work together. I found
that the provided URL for the Application Verifier in the OEM Ready tool
points to a dead URL:

I emailed support, and they pointed me to what I'm guessing is an older
version (rev 4.0.0665) which installed fine and appears to work. I appear to
have three logs parsers installed from the various packages installed to do
the OEM Ready testing, but when I then try launching the Application Verifier
Logs Parser I get one of two error messages. They are either:
"Application Verifier is not installed on this system"
"Unable to launch the Application Verifier Logs parser. Please try again
after installing the latest version of Applicaiton Verifier from here:
which points me back to the origional dead URL I had to mail support about.

I'm unable to find any other versions of Application Verifier on the MSDN
downloads, or any downloads for the Application Verifier Logs parser which
will work with the 4.0.0665 Application Verifier.

I emailed this problem to support, but have as of yet not heard back. Any
assistance here would be _GREATLY_ appreciated as I need to get the app
submitted to MSFT for certification before our OEM will accept the bits for
their image, and I don't have much time to get this testing done! {sigh}

Ideas, anyone???
2009-07-03 14:44:01 UTC
I know this id somewhat old, but in case anyone stumbles across it in a
serach. The application can be found here now -

I trying to do some OEM Ready testing, and am unable to get the Application
Verifier and the Application Verifier Logs Parser to work together. I found
that the provided URL for the Application Verifier in the OEM Ready tool
I emailed support, and they pointed me to what I'm guessing is an older
version (rev 4.0.0665) which installed fine and appears to work. I appear to
have three logs parsers installed from the various packages installed to do
the OEM Ready testing, but when I then try launching the Application Verifier
"Application Verifier is not installed on this system"
"Unable to launch the Application Verifier Logs parser. Please try again
which points me back to the origional dead URL I had to mail support about.
I'm unable to find any other versions of Application Verifier on the MSDN
downloads, or any downloads for the Application Verifier Logs parser which
will work with the 4.0.0665 Application Verifier.
I emailed this problem to support, but have as of yet not heard back. Any
assistance here would be _GREATLY_ appreciated as I need to get the app
submitted to MSFT for certification before our OEM will accept the bits for
their image, and I don't have much time to get this testing done! {sigh}
Ideas, anyone???