DLLs compatibility
(too old to reply)
2007-10-24 18:00:01 UTC

Is there a tool or a way to determine the compatibility of a new DLL with
the old DLL. For example if the APIs were changed then the programs using the
new DLL needs to be recompiled.

Gary Chanson
2007-10-25 01:03:39 UTC
Post by Daniel
Is there a tool or a way to determine the compatibility of a new DLL with
the old DLL. For example if the APIs were changed then the programs using the
new DLL needs to be recompiled.
- Gary Chanson (Windows SDK MVP)
- Abolish Public Schools
Nathan Mates
2007-10-25 11:10:23 UTC
Post by Daniel
Is there a tool or a way to determine the compatibility of a new DLL
with the old DLL. For example if the APIs were changed then the
programs using the new DLL needs to be recompiled.
Nope. Sounds like a variant of the 'Halting Problem'. See
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halting_problem for more information
on that.

Nathan Mates
<*> Nathan Mates - personal webpage http://www.visi.com/~nathan/
# Programmer at Pandemic Studios -- http://www.pandemicstudios.com/
# NOT speaking for Pandemic Studios. "Care not what the neighbors
# think. What are the facts, and to how many decimal places?" -R.A. Heinlein
2009-03-07 00:00:48 UTC
What exactly are you tring to determine, or better yet, what are you tring
to do?

If you are wondering, if you make a program using a DLL that has backwards
compatability, then does the new DLL work with the program that was designed
for the old DLL, the answer is yes, the program will work. If the DLL isn't
designed for backwards compatability then the answer is you don't know until
you try it. So long as the DLL's functions preform the same operations for
everything the program uses, and retains the same names and ordinal numbers
then it should work. Dependancy Walker/Viewer, and other programs, can
determine if the DLL you are using in your program has all the required
process functions by names.
