Sending info from windows to a web server?
(too old to reply)
2007-05-29 01:15:00 UTC

If I were to create a program that tracks certain information on my
computer--namely, the websites that I bookmark--how can I get that
information to be sent to my website in a usable format so that I can have a
server-side program automatically create a report that displays the info on
my webpage? That is, I don't want the info sent by email or instant message
or anything else; instead, I want the info to be automatically sent to my web
server, where the data will be used and displayed in another format. How
exactly can info be sent like that between a windows program and a web server?

The idea is similar to the yahoo toolbar or programs like that, where you
click a button and the URL of the site you bookmark is sent to the yahoo
website, where they create a list of your bookmarks. How exactly is the URL
info sent from local computer to website?

Mark Beiley
2007-06-15 05:16:07 UTC
Just call a URL that references some script on your web server that will
process the data. For example:


Your script (myscript.pl) would be located in your cgi-bin folder on your
web server, and can read the name/value pairs you passed it in the URL.

Post by strat440
If I were to create a program that tracks certain information on my
computer--namely, the websites that I bookmark--how can I get that
information to be sent to my website in a usable format so that I can have a
server-side program automatically create a report that displays the info on
my webpage? That is, I don't want the info sent by email or instant message
or anything else; instead, I want the info to be automatically sent to my web
server, where the data will be used and displayed in another format. How
exactly can info be sent like that between a windows program and a web server?
The idea is similar to the yahoo toolbar or programs like that, where you
click a button and the URL of the site you bookmark is sent to the yahoo
website, where they create a list of your bookmarks. How exactly is the URL
info sent from local computer to website?