Application Verifier Symbol Trouble
(too old to reply)
2009-06-21 13:36:13 UTC
When running appverifier against winamp.exe (as a test) during a fresh
install of appverifier I get the following messages about symbols.

Can someone suggest a course of action? I have change the
_NT_SYMBOL_PATH and Path in WinDbg (to include C:\windows\system32)
and reloaded symbols without success. Then I ran symchk.exe against
vfbasics.dll, which stated the symbol appeared correct.

I require help to resolve this.

Thanks in advance!

0:000> !avrf
Verifier package version >= 3.00
... No type information found for `_AVRF_EXCEPTION_LOG_ENTRY'.

This extension requires symbols with type information
for ntdll.dll and verifier.dll.

Please fix the symbols for `vfbasics.dll'.
2009-06-21 13:37:46 UTC
Oh wait...

The sympath of 'C:\windows\system32;C:\windows;srv*c:\windows
\symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols' works.

It appears the symbol downloaded from the symbol server did not work,
but the symbol which shipped with the unit worked fine. I put the
local paths at the front of the symbol string and it worked fine. This
makes sense if you think of it.

Sorry for taking up your time.
Post by mcollard
When running appverifier against winamp.exe (as a test) during a fresh
install of appverifier I get the following messages about symbols.
Can someone suggest a course of action? I have change the
_NT_SYMBOL_PATH and Path in WinDbg (to include C:\windows\system32)
Oh wait...
Post by mcollard
and reloaded symbols without success. Then I ran symchk.exe against
vfbasics.dll, which stated the symbol appeared correct.
I require help to resolve this.
Thanks in advance!
0:000> !avrf
Verifier package version >= 3.00
... No type information found for `_AVRF_EXCEPTION_LOG_ENTRY'.
This extension requires symbols with type information
for ntdll.dll and verifier.dll.
Please fix the symbols for `vfbasics.dll'.