Call tree utility - C++, Windows
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Quentin David Jones
2007-02-01 05:27:12 UTC
Greetings all,

I have a large project to document (well, only 77,000 lines really :-) using C++Builder in Windows.

I am looking for a program to help me comes to grips with it's overall structure.

Such as a call tree generator.

So far I have looked at :

Crystal Flow -
seems to only do a flowchart for one file (not sure yet, activation key issues.)

Doxygen -
only does a Class hierarchy (inter alia) but no call tree

useful, but only basic text output.

Questions :

* I hear there is a CXT for WIndows, but can't find it - anyone know where I can get it?

* Any other suggestions for a call tree generator ?

Any suggestions welcome...

Ben Voigt
2007-02-01 20:59:51 UTC
Post by Quentin David Jones
Greetings all,
I have a large project to document (well, only 77,000 lines really :-)
using C++Builder in Windows.
I am looking for a program to help me comes to grips with it's overall structure.
Such as a call tree generator.
Crystal Flow -
seems to only do a flowchart for one file (not sure yet, activation key issues.)
Doxygen -
only does a Class hierarchy (inter alia) but no call tree
You have to enable the call graph in the configuration.
Post by Quentin David Jones
useful, but only basic text output.
* I hear there is a CXT for WIndows, but can't find it - anyone know where I can get it?
* Any other suggestions for a call tree generator ?
Any suggestions welcome...
Wizzer King
2007-02-12 22:58:47 UTC
Post by Ben Voigt
Post by Quentin David Jones
Greetings all,
I have a large project to document (well, only 77,000 lines really :-)
using C++Builder in Windows.
I am looking for a program to help me comes to grips with it's overall structure.
Such as a call tree generator.
Crystal Flow -
seems to only do a flowchart for one file (not sure yet, activation key issues.)
Doxygen -
only does a Class hierarchy (inter alia) but no call tree
You have to enable the call graph in the configuration.
Post by Quentin David Jones
useful, but only basic text output.
* I hear there is a CXT for WIndows, but can't find it - anyone know where I can get it?
* Any other suggestions for a call tree generator ?
Any suggestions welcome...
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