Application Verifier not using .map file
(too old to reply)
2007-10-08 20:07:02 UTC
I've been struggling to get the standalone Applciation Verifier running as
advertised on a Windows Mobile 5 emulator.

I general it "seems" to be working (except I get an "error 2" when trying to
run the app from the Verifier window itself). However, i am unable to get any
of my symbols to show up in log viewer. I put the map file on the emulator in
the /Windows directory as instructed in one of the docs. But nothing happens.
I am expecting some sort of error such as "Unable to find map file" or
"cannot resolve stack."

In order to test if I was actually getting data from my app as opposed to
spurious stuff from the system I generated a leak of 4 1000 byte blocks, and
sure enough that shows up. But no symbol info shows. Below is the part of the
log file with that info:

| shim_heap.dll 262 | 0 nk.exe 8008e370' 0x341b7268: ! + 1b7268h
| shim_heap.dll 262 | 0 nk.exe 8008e370' 0x03f7cb5c: coredll.dll! + 1cb5ch
| shim_heap.dll 262 | 1 nk.exe 3438e508'Leaked items:

[My test stuff below]

| shim_heap.dll 262 | 1 nk.exe 3438e508' 0x005cc830 1000 bytes, thread:
0xb64ccfd2, checkpoint 0
| shim_heap.dll 262 | 1 nk.exe 3438e508' 0x005ccdf0 1000 bytes, thread:
0xb64ccfd2, checkpoint 0
| shim_heap.dll 262 | 1 nk.exe 3438e508' 0x005cd4d0 1000 bytes, thread:
0xb64ccfd2, checkpoint 0
| shim_heap.dll 262 | 1 nk.exe 3438e508' 0x005cdb70 1000 bytes, thread:
0xb64ccfd2, checkpoint 0
| shim_heap.dll 262 | 1 nk.exe 3438e508' Total: 4000 bytes
# LOGENTRY shim_heap.dll 263 'Potential leak. 1 items ( 28 bytes) at

Is there some additional debug switches I need to turn on?
Prasad Kakulamarri [MSFT]
2007-10-09 16:27:02 UTC
There are 2 different AppVerifiers...one for Windows and one for devices.
This discussion group is for AppVerifier on Windows and the discussion group
for AppVerifier for devices is microsoft.public.windowsce.testtools. Please
post your question in microsoft.public.windowsce.testtools.

Post by Proxima
I've been struggling to get the standalone Applciation Verifier running as
advertised on a Windows Mobile 5 emulator.
I general it "seems" to be working (except I get an "error 2" when trying to
run the app from the Verifier window itself). However, i am unable to get any
of my symbols to show up in log viewer. I put the map file on the emulator in
the /Windows directory as instructed in one of the docs. But nothing happens.
I am expecting some sort of error such as "Unable to find map file" or
"cannot resolve stack."
In order to test if I was actually getting data from my app as opposed to
spurious stuff from the system I generated a leak of 4 1000 byte blocks, and
sure enough that shows up. But no symbol info shows. Below is the part of the
| shim_heap.dll 262 | 0 nk.exe 8008e370' 0x341b7268: ! + 1b7268h
| shim_heap.dll 262 | 0 nk.exe 8008e370' 0x03f7cb5c: coredll.dll! + 1cb5ch
[My test stuff below]
0xb64ccfd2, checkpoint 0
0xb64ccfd2, checkpoint 0
0xb64ccfd2, checkpoint 0
0xb64ccfd2, checkpoint 0
| shim_heap.dll 262 | 1 nk.exe 3438e508' Total: 4000 bytes
# LOGENTRY shim_heap.dll 263 'Potential leak. 1 items ( 28 bytes) at
Is there some additional debug switches I need to turn on?