How to use debugger with Appverifier
(too old to reply)
2007-09-17 06:09:12 UTC
I installed appverifier but when i click the Save button it is
asking for a debugger. How to get the debugger and how to use it. I
have installed Debugging tools for windows but it is of no use.
Alan [MSFT]
2007-09-17 20:48:19 UTC
Post by G***@gmail.com
I installed appverifier but when i click the Save button it is
asking for a debugger. How to get the debugger and how to use it. I
have installed Debugging tools for windows but it is of no use.
AppVerifier pops up the message about the debugger if you have any of
the basics tests checked. It does this even if you have a debugger
installed. The debugging tools for windows are the recommended
debugger to use with Application Verifier. Documentation on how to
use the debugger is installed with the debugging tools.


Alan Ludwig
Dev Lead
Application Verifier

This post is provided "as is" and implies no warranties and confreres
no rights.
Chuck Walbourn [MSFT]
2007-09-18 20:20:49 UTC
This is because when the AppVerifier sees a problem in these tests, it
triggers a breakpoint which crashes the application unless you are running
under a debugger.

Note also that you will get the best results if you have a release build of
your application with full symbols (and your system configured to use the
Microsoft Symbol Server for all the Windows symbol). This will result in the
most detail when STOPs are found.
Chuck Walbourn
SDE, XNA Developer Connection

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.