An EXE that does exactly the same job as ShellExecute
(too old to reply)
2007-08-24 08:20:04 UTC
Hi there,

Is there any exe file in window which launches programs exactly
the same way ShellExecute() does?

I know "cmd.exe" works somewhat similar, but I'm not quite sure
if it works exactly the same way.

In short, I'm wondering if there is a program like this:

WinMain( ..., lpCmdLine, ... )
return ShellExecute( ..., lpCmdLine, ... );

And yes, I am lazy enough to avoid writing even this simple program...
Gary Chanson
2007-08-24 14:28:24 UTC
Post by beil
Hi there,
Is there any exe file in window which launches programs exactly
the same way ShellExecute() does?
I know "cmd.exe" works somewhat similar, but I'm not quite sure
if it works exactly the same way.
WinMain( ..., lpCmdLine, ... )
return ShellExecute( ..., lpCmdLine, ... );
And yes, I am lazy enough to avoid writing even this simple program...
It's not likely that any easily available program does exactly that
because it is so simple that it isn't worthwhile. There would likely be at
least some parsing of the command.

If that's what you want, why can't you simply use CMD.exe? The results
should be equivalent for most commands.
- Gary Chanson (Windows SDK MVP)
- Abolish Public Schools
2007-08-24 20:24:22 UTC
Post by beil
And yes, I am lazy enough to avoid writing even this simple program...
What ?!
You need exactly 1 second to write it and 2 seconds to compile it.