Application Verifier keep hanging on windows service
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AppVerifier Not Working
2008-02-27 02:55:01 UTC

I tried to run Application Verifier (version 3.4.0158) against a custom
Windows service but it kept failing when starting the service from Service
Management Console. Every time the error is the same as:

"Error 1053: the service did not respond to the start or control request
in a timely fashion."

I tried other services including Windows built-in service such as
Performance Logs and Alerts, same error. Tried on different servers, same

In the end I built a skeleton Windows service myself using VS2003, and
run it under Local System acount with "allow interaction with desktop"
checked or run as a different user account. No difference, it always failed
with the same error 1053 - cannot start.

All servers are Windows 2003 Server Std Ed., and in the App Verifier I
just checked the "Basics", under which only "Locks" is selected. If "Locks"
is *NOT* selected, then all services are able to start just fine.

Can anyone advise how and what would be the work around? TIA!
Prasad Kakulamarri [MSFT]
2008-03-06 17:51:01 UTC
It looks like the service is timing out. Please follow the steps below to
increase the timeout and debug your service:

1. Increase the timeout of the system service using the registry key at



This sets the service start timeout to 1 hour (3.6M miliseconds)

2. Reboot. The ServicesPipeTimeout doesn't take effect until you reboot.

**** Follow the steps below if you want to debug your service at startup,
otherwise just attach a debugger when it starts*****

3. Edit the name of the binary in the Service key to launch NTSD with a
named-pipe server:


"ImagePath" = REG_EXPAND_SZ:"c:\debuggers\ntsd -server tcp:port=<portnumber>

*****Note: Don't leave this set this way during a reboot. On Windows XP It
will hang at "applying computer settings" until it times out. You can reboot
into safe-mode and edit the registry if this happens.

4. Connect remotely to the service with WINDBG. With the settings above it
will be broken into at the initial breakpoint.

windbg -remote tcp:server=<machinename>,port=<portnumber>. You may need to
open the port on the firewall on <machinename> to enable debugging.

Post by AppVerifier Not Working
I tried to run Application Verifier (version 3.4.0158) against a custom
Windows service but it kept failing when starting the service from Service
"Error 1053: the service did not respond to the start or control request
in a timely fashion."
I tried other services including Windows built-in service such as
Performance Logs and Alerts, same error. Tried on different servers, same
In the end I built a skeleton Windows service myself using VS2003, and
run it under Local System acount with "allow interaction with desktop"
checked or run as a different user account. No difference, it always failed
with the same error 1053 - cannot start.
All servers are Windows 2003 Server Std Ed., and in the App Verifier I
just checked the "Basics", under which only "Locks" is selected. If "Locks"
is *NOT* selected, then all services are able to start just fine.
Can anyone advise how and what would be the work around? TIA!