Portable C++ GUI framework
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Ioannis Vranos
2008-06-26 18:27:50 UTC
I am looking for a decent portable C++ (meaning C++ API, not C) GUI
framework that works both on Linux and Windows, so as to study and learn
it. That is, there should be at least one good decent book about it.

One option is QT. QT licensing however, is to pay for the QT framework,
for running non GPL applications on Windows.

Does anyone know any decent (like QT) portable C++ GUI framework for
Linux and Windows with good documentation (books) available?
Nathan Mates
2008-06-26 20:32:28 UTC
Post by Ioannis Vranos
I am looking for a decent portable C++ (meaning C++ API, not C) GUI
framework that works both on Linux and Windows, so as to study and learn
it. That is, there should be at least one good decent book about it.
What about http://www.wxwidgets.org/ ? Never used it, but I know a
bunch of projects doesn't have that. Doesn't require your code be GPL
(or pay $$$, like QT does).

Nathan Mates
<*> Nathan Mates - personal webpage http://www.visi.com/~nathan/
# Programmer at Pandemic Studios -- http://www.pandemicstudios.com/
# NOT speaking for Pandemic Studios. "Care not what the neighbors
# think. What are the facts, and to how many decimal places?" -R.A. Heinlein
Mihai N.
2008-06-28 05:33:49 UTC
Post by Nathan Mates
What about http://www.wxwidgets.org/ ? Never used it, but I know a
bunch of projects doesn't have that. Doesn't require your code be GPL
(or pay $$$, like QT does).
I also vote for wxwidgets. Used it, liked it.

Has better native look that Qt and other frameworks,
good Unicode support, a lot of advanced controls available,
and the license is no problem.
Mihai Nita [Microsoft MVP, Visual C++]
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