PNG-to-ICO converter recommendation?
(too old to reply)
Paul J. Lucas
2008-05-20 15:42:50 UTC
I need a good PNG-to-ICO image converter. By "good" I mean that it can
convert multiple PNG images of various sizes into a single .ico file
while preserving 24-bit color. (This is to produce an application's
icon that should have multiple sizes and just just a "favicon" for a web

All the PNG-to-ICO converters I've tried so far either only convert a
single PNG to a single .ico file or reduce to 256 colors.

Command-line is best, freeware is always nice, but a reasonably-priced
(<$50) GUI app would be OK.

Thanks in advance.

- Paul
2008-06-09 13:57:00 UTC
The GIMP can save as ICO files, but it will require some manual labor.

If you are looking to drop some cash, Axialis IconWorkshop is a great
product, and only $49.95 (5 cents under budget!) It can automatically resize
the source image into all the various formats you want, and you can apply
smoothing/sharpening filters before resizing too. Not only that, it supports
the Vista PNG-compressed ICOs too. And of course, you can manually import
files for specific sizes if you desire to do so as well. There is a free
trial so you can see if it meets your needs. I tried various icon apps, free
and trial, but Axialis was by far worth the money if you are planning to do
any significant work with icons. It even comes with a nice basic library of
images you can compose together for quick modifications of icons (or add some
parts to there yourself -- for example, adding a star to the icon can be only
a few clicks away).
Post by Paul J. Lucas
I need a good PNG-to-ICO image converter. By "good" I mean that it can
convert multiple PNG images of various sizes into a single .ico file
while preserving 24-bit color. (This is to produce an application's
icon that should have multiple sizes and just just a "favicon" for a web
All the PNG-to-ICO converters I've tried so far either only convert a
single PNG to a single .ico file or reduce to 256 colors.
Command-line is best, freeware is always nice, but a reasonably-priced
(<$50) GUI app would be OK.
Thanks in advance.
- Paul
2008-07-04 17:35:02 UTC

there is a free online converter to convert png to ico.


if you want free tool for the same, check out.


Online converter should be fine. Beware while downloading the .exe. As I did
not check it personally, scan it for viruses.

But I did check the online tool. Works reasonably.
Post by Paul J. Lucas
I need a good PNG-to-ICO image converter. By "good" I mean that it can
convert multiple PNG images of various sizes into a single .ico file
while preserving 24-bit color. (This is to produce an application's
icon that should have multiple sizes and just just a "favicon" for a web
All the PNG-to-ICO converters I've tried so far either only convert a
single PNG to a single .ico file or reduce to 256 colors.
Command-line is best, freeware is always nice, but a reasonably-priced
(<$50) GUI app would be OK.
Thanks in advance.
- Paul
Paul J. Lucas
2008-07-10 04:58:55 UTC
Post by Pradeep
there is a free online converter to convert png to ico.
This doesn't do what I said, specifically, it doesn't do multiple PNG to a
single ICO.

- Paul
Mihai N.
2008-07-10 06:31:37 UTC
Post by Paul J. Lucas
This doesn't do what I said, specifically, it doesn't do multiple PNG to a
single ICO.
The format is trivial:
Mihai Nita [Microsoft MVP, Visual C++]
Replace _year_ with _ to get the real email
Paul J. Lucas
2008-07-10 16:46:58 UTC
Post by Mihai N.
Post by Paul J. Lucas
This doesn't do what I said, specifically, it doesn't do multiple PNG to a
single ICO.
I never said it wasn't, but that doesn't mean I'm interested in taking my time
to write and debug a program to do it when there exist perfectly good programs
to do it. It would cost my company more time to pay me that to buy a ready-made

- Paul
2008-07-10 18:56:15 UTC
Post by Paul J. Lucas
Post by Mihai N.
Post by Paul J. Lucas
This doesn't do what I said, specifically, it doesn't do multiple PNG
to a single ICO.
I never said it wasn't, but that doesn't mean I'm interested in taking
my time to write and debug a program to do it when there exist perfectly
good programs to do it. It would cost my company more time to pay me
that to buy a ready-made program.
Copy-paste from MSDN samples, it's done in 2 hours..
Paul J. Lucas
2008-07-10 20:47:46 UTC
Post by Lexus
Post by Paul J. Lucas
Post by Mihai N.
Post by Paul J. Lucas
This doesn't do what I said, specifically, it doesn't do multiple
PNG to a single ICO.
I never said it wasn't, but that doesn't mean I'm interested in taking
my time to write and debug a program to do it when there exist
perfectly good programs to do it. It would cost my company more time
to pay me that to buy a ready-made program.
Copy-paste from MSDN samples, it's done in 2 hours..
Purchasing off a web site takes 3 minutes. Look: if you can't or won't answer
my question, then just remain silent.

- Paul
Mihai N.
2008-07-11 05:12:34 UTC
Post by Paul J. Lucas
Purchasing off a web site takes 3 minutes.
You bought nothing in 3 minutes, but you
wasted 3 days on this newsgoup.
Post by Paul J. Lucas
Look: if you can't or won't answer
my question, then just remain silent.
"Just answer exactly to what I ask or shut up" is the
mark of someone who cannot recognize a solution, and
this tone is something you can use with your kids
(although this attitude might damage them long term)

In general I assume that people asking a
question have a problem they want to solve.
If the solution solved the problem fast and
cheap (free), that should be enough.
You don't like it, learn to use Google.
Mihai Nita [Microsoft MVP, Visual C++]
Replace _year_ with _ to get the real email
Paul J. Lucas
2008-07-14 17:19:26 UTC
Post by Mihai N.
Post by Paul J. Lucas
Purchasing off a web site takes 3 minutes.
You bought nothing in 3 minutes, but you
wasted 3 days on this newsgoup.
I didn't sit here idle for 3 days. I used my time for other things. (Duh.)
Post by Mihai N.
In general I assume that people asking a
question have a problem they want to solve.
My problem was precisely as I stated it: I wanted either a free of inexpensive
application to convert multiple PNGs to a single ICO. I don't know how I could
have been any more precise. I am not interested in the answer to any other
Post by Mihai N.
If the solution solved the problem fast and
cheap (free), that should be enough.
Please don't assume anything other than the poster knows how to ask a precise
question. Personally, I only ever answer the question somebody asks. If it
doesn't answer their question, they're free to clarify their original question
or ask a follow-up question. It's a waste of everybody's time to try to figure
out what somebody meant and answer questions you think they asked.

- Paul
2008-09-03 16:39:01 UTC
I tried the second link (http://www.vistaico.com/software/AveIconifier2.exe)
and my antivirus went crazy. I don't recommend anyone using it, at least
from vistaico.com.
Post by Pradeep
there is a free online converter to convert png to ico.
if you want free tool for the same, check out.
Online converter should be fine. Beware while downloading the .exe. As I did
not check it personally, scan it for viruses.
But I did check the online tool. Works reasonably.
Post by Paul J. Lucas
I need a good PNG-to-ICO image converter. By "good" I mean that it can
convert multiple PNG images of various sizes into a single .ico file
while preserving 24-bit color. (This is to produce an application's
icon that should have multiple sizes and just just a "favicon" for a web
All the PNG-to-ICO converters I've tried so far either only convert a
single PNG to a single .ico file or reduce to 256 colors.
Command-line is best, freeware is always nice, but a reasonably-priced
(<$50) GUI app would be OK.
Thanks in advance.
- Paul
Mihai N.
2008-09-05 04:05:02 UTC
Post by tmboyd3114
I tried the second link
Post by tmboyd3114
and my antivirus went crazy. I don't recommend anyone using it, at least
from vistaico.com.
Axialis has a free lite version of their IconWorkshop for VS2008 users:
Mihai Nita [Microsoft MVP, Visual C++]
Replace _year_ with _ to get the real email
2008-10-01 16:20:15 UTC
On Tue, 20 May 2008 08:42:50 -0700, Paul J. Lucas wrote:
On Tue, 20 May 2008 08:42:50 -0700, Paul J. Lucas wrote:
Seems to write these high colour icons, and at the different sizes that
you desire. Just put your PNGs in separate layers, flatten the whole lot,
scale, export to ICO, then embed as resources.
Post by Paul J. Lucas
I need a good PNG-to-ICO image converter. By "good" I mean that it can
convert multiple PNG images of various sizes into a single .ico file
while preserving 24-bit color. (This is to produce an application's
icon that should have multiple sizes and just just a "favicon" for a web
All the PNG-to-ICO converters I've tried so far either only convert a
single PNG to a single .ico file or reduce to 256 colors.
Command-line is best, freeware is always nice, but a reasonably-priced
(<$50) GUI app would be OK.
Thanks in advance.
- Paul